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Charisma Crowdfunding Page

We are really looking forward to having our brand new sprung floor delivered! However it can only be delivered if we are able to fund raise enough! So please bring your Smarties Tubes back or...Donate to the cause on our…

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Onesie Day

This is the day in which everybody comes to the gym in their onesie's and brings with them £2 to donate to an animal charity. This year Charisma chose the Giraffe Conservation Fund. This year we managed to raise an…

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Smarties fundraising

Thank you to every body that donated money in our annual Smarties fundraising event. We have managed to raise £1120.00!! All of this money will go towards us getting a sprung floor. Our Smarties fundraiser winner was Maria Mosier, and…

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Charisma’s Catherine Lyons

Catherine Lyons has made it to the top! Ex-Charisma gymnast Catherine Lyons was crowned junior British champion in 2015 and previously was crowned junior European floor Champion in 2014. She started at Charisma at the age of 5 and it…

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Back to School Camp

Look how many lovely leotard entries we got to our Back to School Camp leotard design competition. Thank you to everyone entering! It was a difficult choice but finally we agreed on the bright colours and details in Scarlett Pouesi's…

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Thank you to everyone for all the donations! This year we raised £11,200!! This money will be put towards getting a sprung floor. Although our Smarties event is officially over, we welcome any more donations that will help us reach…

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Charisma's annual fundraising event!! Gymnastics equipment is expensive and all money raised is used to buy new equipment. This year we are trying to raise money to buy a new sprung floor which will benefit all the gymnasts at the…

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