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Heathrow 12th November

Congratulations to all our gymnasts that took part in the London Teddy Twin Championships Heathrow Competition on 12th November. We had some amazing results and all the gymnasts performed extremely well.  Particular Congratulations to Tinkerbell Simpson and Hazel Usiskin who managed to…

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Charisma Crowdfunding Page

We are really looking forward to having our brand new sprung floor delivered! However it can only be delivered if we are able to fund raise enough! So please bring your Smarties Tubes back or...Donate to the cause on our…

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Cheam 6th December

Well done to all the girls and boys who competed at Cheam on Sunday 6th December, everybody did extremely well considering it was the first competition for a lot of gymnasts. Lots of the girls and boys won medals. GOLD…

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